Antique House
Teak Carvings
Dowry Chests

This beautiful
Javanese house is over 100 years old.
I purchased it to convert it into an energy healing space. It is knock-down Indonesian-style house which can be used as a guest bungalow or whatever else your imagination can create.

An architech in Bali created a CD of the structure and code (knock-down type) so that it could be assembled easily.
And of course, there are lots of pictures.

Centuries ago, the unmistakable quality of teak was discovered on Java. What makes the 'Tectona Grandis' so wonderful as a species of tree is not just the wood it produces: while the worst types of weather wreak havoc on all other types of wood, it seems to have no effect whatsoever on teak. The most cutting of island winds, tropical storms and the scorching heat of the equatorial sun are the toughest quality tests nature can throw at teak. And thanks to its oily resin, teak remains totally durable, without any treatment to the wood, which always stays tough and unchanging in structure.

Why a teak house? First, old wood is more stable than new, leading to fewer problems with swelling, splitting and warping. Second, much of the old, salvaged Teak used in refurbishing is very high quality-- quality that you no longer find today. Much of it is old growth which is much more dense, tighter grained, and has a much richer color than new growth. And third, it is impossible to get the patina of aged wood from anything but old wood.

Teak has been used for its durability on Java for centuries. They used it to build fishing boats and sailing ships, as well as temples, houses and furniture. This unique wood is cultivated in immense plantations and is only cut down after decades of growth. With their innate sense of beauty an artistry, the Javanese have become genuine experts in working with teak. The houses they make are not only strong and long-lasting, but their sober shapes and pretension-free craftsmanship make items of Javanese teak into timeless masterpieces. Notice the beautiful carvings that adorn the entrance into the house and around the windows.
Fact: Mel Gibson has purchased many of these houses for his project in Costa Rica.

Here are some pictures as the house was being cleaned up with some refurbishing and taken down for shipping.

This house is solid, antique teakwood with original carvings. It comes complete with lanai, railings, clay roof tiles and plans. House sections are carefully wrapped and packed in a container on my property near Pahoa, HI. The wood and carvings alone make it an incredible value at $55,000.

Maya Dolena
808 965-1899